honeybush apple caramel
Honeybush tea with a apple wine and toffee taste.
Honeybush tea, apple bits, ALMOND BITS, natural flavouring.
- caffeine-free.
How to steep:

Nutrition Facts:

Honeybush tea with a apple wine and toffee taste.
Honeybush tea, apple bits, ALMOND BITS, natural flavouring.
I've had a sample of this tea sitting in my cupboard for months. I finally steeped it last night, adding some milk with a few drops of vanilla extract. I didn't expect it to taste as good as it did! Usually, apple teas tend to be a bit flat/thin on flavor to me, but the apple/almond pairing brought out the best of both ingredients, and honeybush itself is a beautiful tea base. The addition of the milk made it smooth and creamy and perfect for a cool winter's evening. I intent to stock up on this one.
Thank you for the nice review. Have a lovely day!
Canada’s premium loose leaf tea store specializing in herbal, green, rooibos, oolong and organic tea.
This tea has very unique, rich flavors, it's a real special treat!
I definitely will reorder!
I mix Ashwagandha with Chamomile tea in the evening for relaxation.
This is very good quality!
A delicious tea that I love to share with friends and family. Smells beautiful too
I was worried this would be sweet tea but to my pleasant surprise, it is tart. Love it hot or cold.
Love love love my peppermint tea! Nice way to finish off my day!