In nearly two decades in the industry, we have observed a consistent increase in the popularity and demand for Matcha, a green tea powder from Japan. What's causing this trend?

Well, it's the growing recognition of Matcha's numerous health benefits and the various ways it can be enjoyed that drive this global trend! Have you been following this trend as well?

Tea Desire l Ceremonial Grade Japanese Matcha Organic

To truly experience the optimal benefits of our organic Ceremonial Grade Japanese Matcha, we recommend consuming it in its purest form. However, adding a small amount of lemon juice can enhance its benefits. Suppose you incorporate pure Matcha into your daily routine. In that case, you can enjoy a wide range of benefits for your body and mind. These benefits include increased energy levels and focus, a powerful source of antioxidants, improved mood, reduced stress and anxiety, boost metabolism for weight loss, support for the immune system, healthier skin, and detoxification. 

Feel free to explore your creativity and experiment with Matcha in various recipes or use it to create refreshing summer delights! You can easily add Matcha to your morning shake for a healthy boost by simply mixing it in.

Here's a recipe for a Banana-Matcha Shake:
- 1 ripe banana (cold/frozen)
- 1/2 teaspoon of Tea Desire ceremonial grade Matcha
- 1/2 teaspoon of flax or chia seeds
- 1 cup of plain yogurt or non-dairy milk
- Sweetener (if needed)
1. Combine all ingredients in a high-powered blender.
2. Blend until the mixture is smooth and creamy.
3. If you prefer a thicker consistency, use frozen bananas instead of ice cubes.
Note: You won't even know that you're drinking something healthy because it tastes so good!


Looking to start your day off with a gentle and delicious beverage? Try a Matcha Latte! You can also indulge in this tasty drink in the afternoon or as a refreshing cold drink to kickstart your mornings or unwind in the evenings.

To make a Matcha Latte, start by sifting 1/2 tsp of Ceremonial grade Matcha into a bowl. Then, add 1/2 cup of hot water at 80ºC and whisk until smooth and foamy. Next, prepare your choice of milk and froth it up. Finally, pour the frothed milk into the Matcha and add sweetener if desired. Enjoy your Matcha Latte as an excellent indulgence beverage whenever you need a pick-me-up!





Looking for a refreshing treat on a hot day? Try making Matcha Ice Cream!

 Here's what you'll need:

- 3/4 cup sugar
- 1/8 tsp salt
- 5 Tbsp Tea Desire Ceremonial Grade Matcha, sifted
- 3 cups Half and Half Milk, warmed (not boiled)

In a medium saucepan, combine the warm milk and sugar, stirring until the sugar is fully dissolved. In a separate bowl, whisk together 1 tsp of Matcha with 1/2 cup of warm milk, gradually adding the milk until all of the Matcha and milk are used. Strain the Matcha-milk mixture through a fine mesh sieve into a bowl or pitcher placed in an ice bath, removing any lumps by smoothing and straining them into the mixture. Let the ice cream mixture cool down completely, then cover it and refrigerate it for at least 4 hours. It's important to chill it thoroughly to achieve the desired consistency.

To make the ice cream, prepare your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer's instructions. Whisk the Matcha-milk mixture thoroughly and pour it into the ice cream maker's bowl, churning it according to the instructions. Once the ice cream has thickened and the churning stops, transfer it into a container with a lid and freeze it until it's firm for at least 6 hours. Enjoy your delicious Matcha Ice Cream!
July 21, 2023 — Heidi Aupers

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