We all have our little tea ritual and reasons for our personal Tea Time. 

When I grew up as the middle child from seven kids, tea time was a regular thing. Late afternoon tea was served along with some sandwiches. Mostly it was black tea with milk and sugar or a herbal, peppermint or hibiscus tea. In the hot summer days when we got home from school our mother was already waiting for us with it seemed a gigantic jug of peppermint tea that she had cooled of in the fridge. She rarely let us have pop although we would rather had pop in those days. Today I'm thankful since I never developed the taste or graving for pop, it's still tea to quench that thirst!

Tea Time starts for me everyday with breakfast around 6 am. I love a nice cup steeped with a full-bodied Assam tea along with a slice of my home-baked spelt bread topped with home made jam. Around lunch time I like to sit down with a freshly steeped cup of black tea, and it really doesn't matter which flavour it is but it sure feels really good and I almost feel a bit rejuvenated. I wondered how does it feel to other people. The other day I asked all our team members to share with us what they think why we should make time for tea. This is what everyone shared with me:

Devon wrote:  I like to 'make time for tea' to simply relax and unwind. The last few weeks have been very stressful for me and when I need to shut out the negative, I find relaxing with a hot cup of tea calms me down and puts a smile on my face.  And lets not forget about the health benefits that come along with that cup of tea. I don't know about you, but im going to have myself that cup of tea now. 

September 16, 2018 — HEIDI AUPERS
Tags: Tea Desire

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